ok so I’ve had this issue happen to me on a few occasions. I start working on a project and try to grieve it and it comes up blank… i check my resource folder and all seems well. Attached is the files for reference can some one please help me figure out if its me or i i just have a buggy install of hype
Oh wow i don’t know how i didn’t notice that blank scene on top… ill blame it on late night coding and lack of sleep. now question about those TYpeErrors I’m not sure where you would of came across them or how to correct them. and P.S. I Greatly appreciate the assistance this matter. i have this project I’ve been struggling to develop and time is of the essence.
from your resources folder in the Head HTML (checkbox click to include in Head section)
Why do you want these scripts in your resources folder? They are interfering with the documents own scripts that are being generated at runtime. Hence the errors.
No honestly not even sure how they got there… I removed them and continued working along… then noticed that i was only able to view it locally when loaded to server the html page shows blank!!.. any clue to what might be going on now… attached is the updated project filessignup_view.zip (2.4 MB)
You have a blank scene named “Login” at the beginning. You have 4 links to resources in your Head HTML. 3 of those as mentioned previously should not be there!
its a bit more complicated… Maybe I’m doing it wrong but i can not edit the info in my doc header from hype… so i edit those links out from the actually saved html file… but that doesn’t help … because every time i make and edit and export those files are right back causing problems…
When exporting those files are generated automatically and needed for the document to run. Just delete them from your resources folder (inside your document not the exported folder) before you export. In fact here is an edited version I have saved with the necessary changes.
Thanks a Lot! @DBear … i appreciate the help… and the extra effort!. I still have quite a bit to learn… I’m more of an artist trying to go developer… so hype is a no brainer