Popular Text Effect

CleanShot 2021-08-25 at 08.15.28

PopularTextEffect.hype.zip (32,3 KB)


PopularTextEffectWithBackground.hype.zip (453,2 KB)


Nice one Max! Question, why is the outlined text are symbols? Couldn't it just be a regular layer(s) that you can assign a class?

Just to make it simple to change the text.

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Ah yes, didn't think of that, very clever. Good one!


I really think hype should have effects like this in their default software.

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I see that you still wish for the ultimate software bundle. The beauty is that you can run all these effects and put them in Template files (and it doesn't bloat the base software)… please search the forums and check pages like:



Thank you for responding. I understand that hype focuses on work being able to customize the way a worker wants it to appear instead of pre-made closing elements. My personal opinion won't change though, you won't always need to learn everything from scratch for the workflow. I think everything prebuilt also has its own beauty and is especially useful for newbies.


I'd definitely agree it would be great to at least have more text effects and default animations in Hype - hopefully with the combination of those two it would make building these even easier.


My two cents would be and I’ve been saying this ever since Hype 3.5 saving animations as part of the app, meaning having a preset based approach much like in Adobe apps for every preset there would be an html preview where one can just drag/save without opening other docs/templates… less bloat on screen with so many windows open @MaxZieb :wink: Also, define “ultimate software bundle”?

Hype is a great app but it has much room for improvement in these areas.

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Yes, best of both worlds: how about a Hype Symbol/Template viewer and built in library folder. Preview symbols or templates and import the symbol or open the template … :wink:

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Whatever the term is, as long as they’re reusable entities one can use without opening extra documents, with an added benefit of previewing the symbol/preset/component… before it can be applied to the project.

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take a look, this is a plugin for RapidWeaver with Hype under the hood, another here. an example of simplified products with presets and panels for font, animation, colours and more.


Really impressed with what can be done with hype, can't underestimate what this software can be. Unfortunately, it was buried under a more complicated workflow than it should have been. Looking at how pixelmator pro has grown rapidly I've invested in the last 2 years - most recently they updated to be able to edit videos simply, I feel sorry for the 10 year old app.