this morning I read a conversion article for Online Ads and Online Audio Ads (a new thing coming for all over, not Spotify or Soundcloud anymore).
The article wrote about Ads being loaded and played outside of their viewport. And thus when a browser user scrolls down most of the ad content will have finished their animation. Meaning less conversionrate. Still images don’t trigger as mutch as the first 3 seconds of animating the right content.
I would like to see a snippit added or an extra function in Tumult where one can choose to start the Timeline if the document is in a given a set percentage on the viewport. For instance 25% of the ad scrolls on screen, this will trigger the if statement to run the timeline.
I know how I could write it as a js function. only I ain’t a great coder. I’m more of a Deoder (Design orientated coder) and that doesn’t sound right.
so a bit of help would be apreciated for the Hype-Advertisement community.
Buried this deep - how would You ever hope to have any control (web page response) over what happens to your ads? ...which was the point to your question... but would seem to be out of Hype's "programming horizon" entirely - wouldn't the web site's "content creator~author~designer" have the greatest influence over Hype's export files?
I’d suggest the abilities to reach the iFrames parents from inside are restricted. otherwise your ad could change the content of the page it’s displayed in … so my hint: check your add distributers API
(I don’t want to curtail future discussion about workarounds, but I will say this has been added as a +1 to our bug tracker on viewport actions not acting as expected in iframes).