Pencil animation (or line animation)

Hype is essentially for the web … if your after full precision video animation production then you probably would use something like After Effects. Hype can do all these things too but is aimed at the browser. If you are not looking at building for the web you can and should give After Effects a try. It is truly great once you get into it. It is a lot of fun and compelling. Plugins like Lottie in combination with Rubberhose make it a joy for animation. I love Hype but you must pick your battles wisely. I like challenges, improving on them and to solve them. So, implementing things is fun and using them even more. If you are pressed for time take the established routines instead of fighting with your tool set.

Yes, from your description I think you have summarized the deficiencies and workarounds. While we do not make promises on features, this is a weak point that we would definitely like to improve in the future.

The animation looks great!

Thank you very much for your comments.

Max, I agree with you that using Hype only for video animation doesn't make any sense. There are more complete tools for it, like AE, Harmony or Moho.

I really love Hype, for the interactive part it offers and I have simply been testing the limits to know what I can or cannot do with this tool, within what I am most proficient at, which is animation.

As you say, I try to choose my battles wisely and for that it is necessary to know the field. AE or Harmony are too closed for what I want to do, which are interactive educational activities and stories. That's where I find the great potential of Hype.

Now that I know the "limits" for Hype's animation I see more clearly its strengths (at least some of them). It's time to start practicing interaction (with the programming I don't dare yet). :wink:

@jonathan, a deficiency that has a solution is simply a change of perspective, details are polished over time :wink:

You are really doing a fantastic job with this application, which is charming for all its potential and its ease of use, even if it needs your learning time.

Thank you very much for all the support and ongoing support to this entire creative community. I am learning a lot from all of you :slightly_smiling_face: :beers:


Starting the test for the web I see that there are serious differences in how the pen effect is interpreted in different browsers. I have tested it in Chrome, Safari and Firefox. In the first two it runs great but Firefox makes a very ugly interpretation of the line. He widens it.

I guess it's a problem of the browser and its interpretation of SVG, so I guess the solution is complicated because it doesn't depend on Hype. At least I put the problem on record.

I leave you a small video sample for you to see.

By the way, I still have to speed up that writing quite a bit. :face_with_monocle:

Yeah - unfortunately it looks like this is a different interpretation of how the filter effects work between browsers. There's a lot chained together with magic variables so it would take a bit of time to figure out if there's a singular or multiple cause to the differences.

Should be as easy as selecting the all the animation bars and resize dragging them, if you simply want to scale it all together.

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Thanks @jonathan for the comment.

I understand it's a lot of work and I really don't think it's worth the effort since it depends more on the browser than on Hype.

I simply made the comment to report this "bug" so that other colleagues interested in this effect can take it into account and evaluate whether they prefer to use the effect or not. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Yes, I have the speed thing corrected, it was just a thought out loud) :sweat_smile:

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