Pencil animation (or line animation)

Another issue that has brought me to mind with Hype is working with audio.
I think I've read all the threads on this subject and this is the summary I've understood about the subject of audio in Hzpe.
Hype is web-oriented and search engines impose their logic. This can be summed up by the fact that audios that are not activated by the viewer are not accepted. So any sound effect that accompanies the animation automatically cannot be included.

I have also seen that the best way to implement audio in Hype and synchronize it with the animation is with the MP4a format. This way it is imported as if it were a video file that runs alongside the animation. That can go great for voiceovers.

At the moment, as this project is more geared towards video output than the web, I decided to do the audio editing in the DaVinci Resolve video editor. In my case the animation is the one that rules over the audio and not the other way around. In other cases where the audio is the one that commands over the animation I will try to work with MP4a.

Is this summary correct? Do you plan to make improvements in the audio work within Hype? Is it worth the effort? I think it would be a good point in favour of using Hype.

Here I leave you the finished video. I've also saved the two scenes separately from Hype, to give you more room to manoeuvre with the videos.
The audio is from the DaVinci library and others that I recorded myself, like the handwriting and the brush stroke.

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