Passing variables to email

As an “Action,” I want to compose an email.
That is simple enough but, is it possible to send JavaScript variable values into the body of this email?


Hi @rfantster

As I don’t know how you’re composing / sending an email it’s difficult to give you an exact solution however…

Here is an example of sending an email using the “mailto” link format

var subject = encodeURIComponent("An example Subject line");
var cc = "";
var name = "Bob";
var message =  encodeURIComponent("Dear " + name +",\n\nThe message to include in the body" );
var link = "" + subject + "&cc=" + cc + "&body=" + message;

window.location.href = link;

All of the above would be run in a function on Mouse Click of whichever element you want to fire the link.

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Hello DBear,

I may be able to make your suggestion work. That looks reasonable.

How I’m composing my email: It is one of the “Actions” offered in the "Actions Inspector."
In there you can place the email address, subject, and body. I was just wondering if I could send variable data to these spaces.

However, it looks like your idea might do just as well.

Thank you Sir,

This .. you cannot do and this was my assumption which is why I offered the JS way :wink: which essentially does the same thing but is in code

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