It’s not easy to do this, you have to set it up with code and then have hype functions as call backs , was where i learned how to get the input data. Keep in mind i learned that android treats one of the orientations as a reverse to ios so you need to make an android condition in the device orientation rules.
1 setup a listener for orientation
2 pass a callback function with (alpha,betta,gamma) as the passing vars
3 execute your hype functions based off those 3 variables.
And optionally do a condition for android.
MIne was
As Lucky has suggested you need to use Event Listeners to to listen for the orientation event.
When this listener is called it returns alpha, gamma and beta in the event object. We can use those to set an element’s property in Hype using the Hype API. This element will be used as a background. (You could also do this with any DOM element)
Here is some code. I have made it as simple as possible and commented so you can understand (hopefully) what’s going on.
var done = false;
// create helper function and give element as parameter
moveObject = function (ele) {
var startGamma, startBeta;
var obj = {};
// capture the element's starting position
obj.left = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(ele, 'left') = hypeDocument.getElementProperty(ele, 'top')
// check if device supports DeviceOrientation and add Listener
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", orientation, false);
} else {
// log if device does not support
console.log("DeviceOrientationEvent is not supported");
function orientation(ev){
// get the initial Gamma and Beta values so we can work off them
if (!done) {
setTimeout( function () {
startGamma = ev.gamma;
startBeta = ev.beta;
done = true;
}, 1/60)
// calculate difference from start value to actual value and divide by a factor to get a smaller amount.
gammaDifference = (ev.gamma - startGamma) / 8;
betaDifference = (ev.beta - startBeta) / 8;
// set element property to the values as they change
hypeDocument.setElementProperty(ele, 'left', obj.left + Math.round(gammaDifference), 0.2, 'linear');
hypeDocument.setElementProperty(ele, 'top', + Math.round(betaDifference), 0.2, 'linear');
// display results
hypeDocument.getElementById('beta').innerHTML = Math.round(betaDifference);
hypeDocument.getElementById('gamma').innerHTML = Math.round(gammaDifference);
// call above function and pass a Hype element in as an argument
Here is a supporting document. (size is high because of image )
What you’ll need to do is swap the alpha/beta/gamma meanings when you hit certain rotations. I don’t have the code to do that, though it might exist via searching on the internet (as this isn’t Hype-specific).