Hi everyone,
I'm looking to understand if persistent symbols can be used to act as a pagination indicator.
Here is an example of image slider pagination in the Bootstrap framework:
(bottom centre of the screenshot)
And here's a live example using the Google Web Stories framework
Pagination is useful as it lets people know how long or short a story is. I'm looking to create a "tappable web story" where you tap right to move forward one screen, and tap left to go back.
Navigating back and forth can be handled inside Hype, but how can I set up the pagination element so it shows:
- 100% opacity on the "active" scene bullet
- 50% opacity on all the "inactive" scenes bullets
- and follows this pattern as the user navigates through the story
Assume that all scenes in a project will be viewed in a linear fashion, so users would navigate from Scene 1 - Scene 10, or back from Scene 10 to Scene 1.