Page scroll with mouse wheel screen error on text element

Don’t remember if this issue has been noted, but I’ve been having this problem even in previous versions: with a text box/element selected, if I scroll down my page with the window elevator it scrolls perfectly, but if I scroll with the mouse wheel, the element also scrolls… can anyone reproduce this?

Thanks for the report. Some questions:

  • Can you provide a zip of the .hype document where this occurs?
  • Does it always happen, randomly happen, or do you have specific steps required to make it happen?
  • What version of macOS are you running?
  • What kind of mouse/interface are you using for the broken scroll?

Hi Jonathan
Thanks 4 the reply.

Jonathan Deutsch
Team Tumult

    October 23

Thanks for the report. Some questions:

  • Can you provide a zip of the .hype document where this occurs?

You can try it on the desktop layout, for example, with the titles or text element boxes of each section (ex: Agencia 360º, Cases,.. etc)

  • Does it always happen, randomly happen, or do you have specific steps required to make it happen?

I have experienced in other documents, but on the one attached, it happens all the time

  • What version of macOS are you running?

Mojave 10.14.6

  • What kind of mouse/interface are you using for the broken scroll?

it does not just happen with the mouse (no specific interface), but on the 2 finger trackpad scroll also

thanks again


I think what is happening here is that you have elements set to have their content overflow be “Scrollbars” and there’s some amount of overflow. So in the middle of a scroll, that element gets picked up for the scroll. It will then scroll that to completion, but not the rest of the document.

Yes, that is it! I just have the main group content overflow set to scrollbars. Guess each time i work on the layouts i gotta set it to visible and then back to scrollbars to preview it on the browser.

thanks @jonathan

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