Osx Ventura / Hype crash by start

I did the autosave information:
but the latest doc is from 1,5 month a go (while I use hype daily)

I think this doc is the failure

this is the hype error announcement

  1. Type in "~/Library/Containers/" and hit return

I found


and delete it

..still the same, can't open hype anymore

this is the hype error announcement

Does anyone has an answer?

Hype is a daily tool for me..and I missed it very much ;-(

We’re looking into this, apologies!

Sorry, if you do not see it, instead please use these steps:

  1. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
  2. Paste in this command:
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.tumult.Hype4/
  1. Hit return
  2. Paste in this command:
killall cfprefsd
  1. Hit return

Try to relaunch Hype.

Does that help?

If then you open one of the documents you are working on, and find that causes a crash, please send that a zip of that .hype document so we can investigate it. (You may need to repeat steps 1-5 to get going again)

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THANKS, it works again!!

You're the greatest!!