Open and Close button

I have tried to create a simple Open and Close button toggle using a timeline, complicated by the fact that the buttons are 50% Opacity on Normal and 100% on Hover.

Somehow, after a few rounds of Open and Close (you may have to toggle it 10 times), the Open button becomes 0% Opacity on Normal and only appears on Hover. I am sure one can solve this with JS, however, would like to understand how Hype works / if I have misunderstood something basic, as this should be fairly simple.

Am attaching the file – and would appreciate any pointers!

Thanks in advance …

Open and (138.7 KB)

Try using this helper instead. That should be easier to maintain.

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In addition to @MaxZieb's suggestion I noticed You have conflicting keyframes that are stacked one over the other and therefore hard to see...

Fig.1 - Stacked keyframes

Fig.2 - Stacked Keyframe #1 set to "Display: Hidden"

Fig. 3 - Stacked Keyframe #2 set to "Display: Visible"

After eliminating "Stacked Keyframe #1 (and setting #2 back to "0" sec) I clicked the button 10 times and everything worked OK. Did not investigate further than this.

Post Edit...

I just noticed You did the same thing for the "Display" property of the "Close" button - each (stacked) keyframe set to the opposite of the other.


Hi Jim,

Thank you for the thorough analysis. To understand what I was doing wrong is exactly what I was looking for! I have tried it and it seems to work very well. I only had one instance of the button disappearing that occurred after perhaps 30 to 40 toggles.

I also appreciate Max’s post as that will definitely come handy as well!