No click with Sizmek and Eb.clickthrough


I have a problem with my banner . My customer used a platform Sizmek and ask me to add a Eb.clickthrough function to my banner without URL inside. ( they add themselve URL once the banner uploaded on the Sizmek platform, the reason is for the tracking audiance)

I have put the javascript function added a button and add the code in the head according the documentation here:

My customer sent me this documentation:

What is wrong in my banner ? I don’t understand, the mouse don’t change over and its doesn’t work in Sizmet once uploaded.

thanks a lot for your help.

This is the Hype document: (85.2 KB)

Any help please?

I recommend installing the Sizmek export script, and then setting up a mouse click action for a Sizmek Exit.

You can remove any Sizmek stuff from your document since the Export Script handles that. (107.4 KB)

After you install that package, you’ll have a new item in your ‘Mouse Click Actions’ which you can assign to an element:

Here is what Hype exports when using that export script: (83.6 KB)