Need help with HTML widget: Save file prompt on live site

I apologize in advance - I can't share my Hype file publicly due to my employer's security policies.

My Hype file is possessed and here's what's happening:

  • I have an HTML widget in my file.
  • I'm dynamically setting the innerHTML to show different lists (linking to other websites in our organization).
  • When viewing the live page, a file save dialog pops up immediately.
  • The file it's wanting to save is "iframe-[the ID name of my HTML widget].html"
  • If I save and open that file, the only content is "404 NOT FOUND"
  • The issue does NOT happen when testing locally.
  • The issue occurs in IE on Windows as well as Safari on Mac.
  • The Hype content is uploaded on a Microsoft Sharepoint site
  • The exported HTML file had to have the extension changed to .aspx, due to reasons (not sure if this could be a factor, just telling you what I know)
  • I'm also screenshot'ing my export settings if that helps


I swapped out the HTML widget with just a rectangle element (and manipulating the inner HTML the same way), and got the same resulting save file dialog.

Confused? Well buckle your seatbelts, kids...

  • The Hype version using the HTML widget does in fact output a "iframe-linkslist.html" in the resources folder.
  • The Hype version where I was injecting my content into a regular rectangle element does NOT output that "iframe-linkslist.html", BUT.... you guessed it - I'm getting the exact same issue of the save file prompt.

I searched the forums for similar bugs, but didn't find anything similar. I've tried everything short of ritual human sacrifice, to no avail.

any ideas?

no need to reply tonight, I haven't heard a peep out of my client so I'm watching trash tv and having vodka for dinner. #quarantineFabulous :metal:

Are you able to reproduce this with a stripped down test project.

If so can you post that?

Do you have code elsewhere, like the head or other functions.

Maybe this helps. Could be a server mime type setting.

Another solution would be to rename the iframe to end in .aspx but then you would have to search replace that in the outputted JS for the master Hype file as well (the one loading the iframe) after exporting by hand or while exporting it using an export script (see Hype Exports Playground for examples of search and replace).

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@MaxZieb as always, you're a genius and a hero :star_struck:

So it turns out that I'm a dumbass. The HTML widget issue still causes the file prompt, BUT, when I swapped it out with a plain rectangle - that fixed the issue. In my infinite wisdom of uploading the new HTML file, I forgot to upload the updated "default_hype_generated_script.js".

crisis averted, womp womp... sad trombone noise