Menu not working

I designed a menu and turned it into a persistent symbol. In the upper left I have a logo that I want to act as a home button that will jump to a specific time in the main timeline. When I preview it, it does nothing. I experimented and had it jump to a scene which it did no problem, but it won't jump to a time in the timeline. Why?

Here is a version of the site.
test (1.5 MB)

With the command 'gotoTime in timeline Maintimeline 03,22', you are addressing the main timeline of the menu symbol itself. To target the main timeline of the Hype file, you could, for example, set up a custom behavior outside the menu symbol that sends the main timeline to the desired time.

Thanks I set up a customer behavior 'gototime in timeline main timeline 3,22' gave it a name and then in the symbol I triggered 'activate custom behavior' but I still get the same result. I've noticed that in the symbol if the main timeline is not started when the symbol loads the menu does not show up so .... do I need to set up a new timeline for something?

It'd be good to post a new version of your .hype document with the modification to see why it might not work.

My guess would be that you perhaps made the custom behavior inside the symbol, instead of on the scene(s) that you want it to operate in?

I assume you mean if the scene's main timeline wasn't started? How are you pausing/not starting it? This shouldn't really matter.

Your symbol currently has an On Symbol Load action to start its main timeline (at least in the original document), which generally should be enough. So perhaps you removed that in the latest version?

Hi Jonathan, thanks for getting back. You were right about the custom behavior-- it was in the symbol. I created a new one for the scene called 'GoHome' but I'm still not getting the action that I want.

The Custom behavior was created in the intro scene, and it was 'gotoTime in main timeline 3:00' and then with in the menu symbol I created an action OnMouseClick for the 'logomenu left folder' to trigger the customer behavior GoHome. It's not working. I duplicated the menu symbol for the non-intro pages and called it menu 2 but aside from deleting the animations it is the same as the menu symbol. Here is an updated hype doc. Cheers and thanks again. (1.5 MB)

Actually, everything is largely correct. Your custom behavior is also working. However, in the first scene, 'Intro,' you won’t notice any action when clicking because you’re already at 03:00. Your custom behavior sends the timeline to 03:00—so naturally, there’s no visible change.

For the custom behavior to work in the other scenes, you need to set it up in each scene as well. Make sure that in the custom behavior, you always send the Hype document to the 'Intro' scene first and then set its main timeline to 03:00.

BTW—you only need one version of your menu symbol...

You can do it this way, but I’d suggest decoupling the intro animation from the home function by creating two separate scenes for it. This makes things simpler and more structured... (1.5 MB)

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Thanks Kalle! I was so close to success. I really appreciate your help. sometimes when using hype I get caught in these frustrating loops where I can't figure out what's wrong and can't move forward until I do. Now I can. Cheers.