Manually coding buttons

Im trying to using a javascript for set target to the buttons, in this case the target are scenes.

The buttons are inside a persisten symbol but Im trying to crea an “IF” situation.

Lets say “if” scene = home, the home button will stop working, in this way the user won’t be use the home button if he/she already is in the home scene.

In this way I also could use custom transitions for each button depending on which scene the user is.

But so far I have failed to use JS to assign the scene as targets. (31.8 KB)

It KINDA work now, but its really buggy, it seems it doesn’t respect the rules of each “if” statement: (33.6 KB)

The JS is running inside the persistent symbol.

Finally it is working!

Edited: Now with buttons also changes colors when new scene is loaded (37.9 KB)

It is a shame I doesn’t work with a single JS, but since its quite simple it should NOT impact on performance.

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Why not just name the scenes the same names as the buttons ID’s.

Then you use the Normal Mouse event Action On Mouse Click to run this code.

    var currentSceneName = hypeDocument.currentSceneName();
  var buttonID =;
	if ( currentSceneName !== buttonID){
	 hypeDocument.showSceneNamed(buttonID , hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushRightToLeft, 0.5);

js_escenas_ (53.0 KB)


Im sure it is because I (still) sucks at understanding code, but I can’t find a way to dynamically change the transitions using the same button using your code.

Your code works great for block the button that matches the same scene name, but, I believe, I can’t assign diferente transitions for each button for each scene.

In my hype file example the transitions for each button changes depending of which scene you are.

Just do something like this

	var currentSceneName = hypeDocument.currentSceneName();
	var buttonID =;
	soyone =  hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushBottomToTop
	soytwo =  hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushRightToLeft
 	soythree =  hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionCrossfade
 	soyfour = hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionPushLeftToRight
	if ( currentSceneName !== buttonID){
	 hypeDocument.showSceneNamed(buttonID ,  window[buttonID] , 0.5);