Looking for Freelancer

We are working on a cool portfolio app for our company Pixelflakes.

We’ve taken things as far as we can go, but need some Javascript to finish the document off.

  1. General look over the gallery function which has been built in. There are a few bugs which we are unsure of whether they relate to the positioning of our assets or the JS.

  2. Swipe functionality. You can add a ‘on page swipe’ command in Hype, however we don’t want this to happen during the gallery full screen mode plus we want this to be disabled during any scene transition as a double swipe can lead to a bug.

  3. The gallery page (BG). For this we would like a single tap down to bring the image to the front at which point you can drag it round. Another tap would make that image scale to a full screen gallery where the user could swipe through imagery.

  4. The interactive map (SI). We would like an interactive map built using the assets in the link below.


This will most likely need a call with someone to discuss in further detail, but if you’re interested please let us know and we’ll arrange the next steps!


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Hi Marvin,
Just sent you PM.