Looking for an experienced Hype developer

Hi there!
We have an existing project (I can't publicly share) that needs some of the components to be editable. It's pretty much a clickable roadmap with some custom animations to explore the different rows and columns in detail. Similar to this graphic:

We would need to come up with a system to edit the labels, add new (if possible), change position of existing ones (if possible) by connecting to an external database (Google sheet, Airtable, ...).
Please let me know if you are interested and share some previous similar work sample(s).
Thanks in advance!

This is better suited for Vue JS or another framework (even vanilla JS). Hype operates with an absolute positioned system. Therefore, many dynamic elements would need to be rendered in Hype into inner HTML (not visually, but with code). If you prefer Hype for the overall frame, that could be an option. However, this might already pose a problem as each axis appears to be stacking like in regular HTML and not in an absolute positioned system for animation.

Hi Max, thanks for your input. The experience in Hype is more complex than just the roadmap so re-building just that piece it in Vue might be an option (we can embed it then). Would you be interested in this project?

In that case just invest the money in something like this:

I think they are currently on sale at 395… and can do much more than only Gantt-Charts.

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