Historically speaking, no.
It looks like Tumult goes two years and two months between major versions.
Collision Detection is a big one... Is there a Physics API? 🤔 ...Here are some other areas Tumult could improve Hype.
- Linter
- Vector Graphics
- Image Optimization (including SVG)
- Automatic Full-Screen Support
- Cross-Platform Support (Windows / Linux / iOS)
- Dynamically Generated Library (Only include needed code in Hype.js)
I'm a bit torn on this issue. As the author of A Book About Hype, I'm glad that it's taking so long to update the software. It means that my book is still relevant. Yet, I know that I could create even more amazing things with Hype, such as games and apps, if the software had key improvements. There's such potential here. It's amazing. So, waiting is frustrating too.