Issue with Lottie in Tumult Hype

This is driving me nuts. I am trying to get lottie into tumult hype but am having issues just being able to see the animation in hype.

I basically followed this thread here:

And got the and changed the data.json file to be nothing more than a square moving from left to right.

The issue I have though is when I use bodymovin and name it date.json so that it takes the place of the json file (which does work), nothing shows up. Does anybody know why? I literally have a square moving and that is it.

Is there a step I'm missing in AE that I have to do in order to make this work? If anyone can help out that'd be great!

I've attached the AE, Hype and JSON files here. (77.8 KB)

The version of Lottie in the example was 4.10.1, and the version you exported with was 5.5.10 so some variables changed. (There’s a v variable in the first characters of data.json)

You can either embed it in the <head> area by using:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-vZCDKRh4eo3YsqhnL47066pNsNfD44RdHFpudRbyZNg=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Or replace the contents of bodymovin.js with this one:

You can find all versions of Bodymovin here: (14.8 KB)

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Thanks for the quick response and it looks like it works now!

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