iPad audio not working...but working fine on iphone

I use a few layouts for my project, each playing audio.

Everything is working fine on desktop and iphone. Audio is working perfectly.

Problem is =
My iPad layouts play no sound at all.

My ipad iOS is 11.2.6.

Any idea what is the issue ?

Tkx very much in advance !

Can you test the doc in Hype reflect on your iPad and see if the console has any messages?

That way we can see if there is something you’ve done that has caused this. If not then we can look elsewhere. If you can share the doc that would also help.

Feel free to also attach a zip of your .hype document.

Tkx for your quick reply I appreciate ! :slight_smile:

When I did my tests, everybody had no sound…today everything work just fine. :slight_smile:

Hmm…I suppose I may have a preloading issue or something like that.

I’ll try to debug that and let you know if it persists.

Tkx again !


OK, let us know if you have any more issues.