iOs APP with HTML5 - Your experience with Apple Sept 2019 Guidelines

I plan to submit severals App made with Hype in the app store buy with this restriction I don’t know if they’ll be approve…

Perhaps it’s a good idea to share our experiences here.
Have a nice day.

I'm not a lawyer. I'm also not sure exactly what you're concerned about.

If you want to know about my experience with App Development, I launched a few apps that were built with Hype — Cabling, Circles with Grandma and KEEN. I'm planning to launch even more. I personally didn't worry about that change, as I don't run a casino, a lottery or a charity — so no problem! Also, I try to keep my apps offline as much as possible. It's part of the Photics Code of Honor.

In my experience, Apple is very fussy. I've had many... MANY app rejections. But usually, it's just a matter of me fixing stuff. — like not using Emoji in the app listing. I don't remember any issues with how I used Hype and WKWebView. I'm not trying to use external HTML to get around Apple's review process either.

Looks like there's a 3/3/2020 deadline for existing apps. I'm not anticipating any trouble with this though.

They seem clear to me. T

4.7 HTML5 Games, Bots, etc.

Apps may contain or run code that is not embedded in the binary (e.g. HTML5-based games, bots, etc.), as long as code distribution isn’t the main purpose of the app, the code is not offered in a store or store-like interface, and provided that the software (1) is free or purchased using in-app purchase; (2) only uses capabilities available in a standard WebKit view (e.g. it must open and run natively in Safari without modifications or additional software); your app must use WebKit and JavaScript Core to run third-party software and should not attempt to extend or expose native platform APIs to third-party software; (3) is offered by developers that have joined the Apple Developer Program and signed the Apple Developer Program License Agreement; (4) does not provide access to real money gaming, lotteries, or charitable donations; (5) adheres to the terms of these App Review Guidelines (e.g. does not include objectionable content); and (6) does not support digital commerce. Upon request, you must provide an index of software and metadata available in your app. It must include Apple Developer Program Team IDs for the providers of the software along with a URL which App Review can use to confirm that the software complies with the requirements above.

What is your specific concern.

Perhaps I don’t well understand the guidlines (I’m french :sweat_smile:).

I want to make my app with hype and use it embeded in a webview (and in the binary).
(no money game, no iap, etc…).

The main part of the app will use js and htlm5, so I’m asking if apple will approve it and not tell me to use it with safari instead of appstore…


I read that as they mean the ‘Safari’ web engine which the Webkit uses. Not Safari app per se.

They also said : Apps that provide core features and functionality dynamically with web technology like HTML5 are best delivered to everyone in Safari, rather than through the curated App Store.

So I’m don’t know… :sob:

hmm… what do your apps do… ?

One is a game like “your are a hero book”… The other is also a game, a quest with enigmas, and the third give the number of remaining places in parkings of severals towns.

I do wonder though that the parking app may possibly fall under "Apps that provide core features and functionality dynamically with web technology like HTML5 are best delivered to everyone in Safari"
since its functionality is dynamic, unless you are gathering the info via the binary app and then just using Hype to display it. ( again possibly )

I know @Djon has been busy submitting apps using Hype as the core so maybe he can give you some insights..

I’m afraid I can’t help here. My apps only link to the App Store. Although it hasn’t been a problem linking to my website until now. But if you have any questions about compiling the app I can be of help. (Xcode only). In any case make sure you use @MarkHunte 's template.

Good luck!

These look great - making an app using Hype is looking easier than it was a few years ago.
I really hope that’s the case!

Since my last post here I publish 2 app on Appstore made with hype :+1:.

I also try @MarkHunte template and it’s much faster than doing it manually, thanks a lot.
Perhaps, just add the feature to open external links like tel: , etc… with decisionHandler in wconfiguration.

So, for the moment, no pb for publishing app made with Hype and Webview pointing to local folder.
I love Hype, I can make app once, for both ios and android platform :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face:

Have a nice hype day !


Laurent - how do your make your Android apps from Hype?

Within a Webview like in ios with Android studio…

If you want you can use a template to speed your process :

Put your hyperesources folder in the resource app folder in Android Studio.