Importing standard and @2x assets at once

Could you please add a filenaming convention so that if we import files with these rules, it creates a folder at once and not forcing us to import them one by one by clicking on the greyed out link and adding a source?

Thank you.

bm-capture- 2021-01-17 à 17.37.18

The naming convention is @2x added to the end of a filename. The documentation has this, which I agree isn't super easy to discover: Tumult Hype Documentation

Given a 100px × 100px image JPG named file@2x.jpg and a 50px × 50px image named file.jpg , Tumult Hype will group the two images. The @2x image will be loaded on ‘retina’ screens, and the non-retina image will be loaded on non-retina screens.

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The problem is that you left the old documentation for very old versions but when I google keywords, most of the time I land on the old documentation this is why some information are not clear. You should have only one documentation. Who is using v2?

We aren't going to remove documentation from the web since there are definitely people still using earlier versions of Hype. If you do hit an old version of the documentation we added a banner at the bottom to direct you to the latest docs:

If you see an old version without this banner, that's definitely an error on our part...