Image disappears

I made my website using hype, and everything is nice and dandy, in the previews using safari and chrome everything looks good... except! I exported to HTML, uploaded my page to the hosting server and the image for my logo does not appear. All scenes using the png file for the logo appear with all other settings except the logo. I tried using safari's developer console, went to the sources and its saying "failed to load resource: the server responded with 404 (not found)"... but i can confirm the file is in the server inside the hypersources that hype creates... just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them?


…if the file is uploaded to the server
…and then you went to the direct URL for the file
…but that file doesn't load
…it's probably not a problem with Hype.


  • What's the file format? — Is it a PNG or is it something else? If it's something else, does your server allow such files to be loaded? As an example, perhaps your server is blocking SVG files. (It seems unlikely, but are you using a web-friendly file format? This isn't an EPS logo, right? HA HA HA!)
  • Was the file uploaded correctly? — Perhaps the file was not uploaded completely or properly.
  • What's the file's name? — Maybe it's labeled incorrectly or maybe it doesn't have a file extension.
  • How big is the file? — Seems unlikely with a logo, but perhaps the file is too large. Conversely, perhaps the file is too small. It was too nervous to go out on the Internet and it's hiding in a hidden sub directory.
  • File Permissions — I was partially kidding with that last one, but something to check is file permissions. If you're on a Linux server, is the file readable? If you're using Windows — there's your problem. :smile:

Did you try re-uploading the file separately? How are you uploading the Hype project to the server? Are you using the Wordpress plugin? FTP? Something else? :thinking:


yep, its fixed, the darn thing had a special character ("ç"). I have learned the hard lesson of not labelling using these characters. Once i switched it to a "c", it all went back to normal (only took me 48+ hours to figure the darn thing out... sheesh). I really appreciate your comment (had me laughing)