Ideas For Hype 5 Features…

Here's another idea, just throwing out there… Should the Hype runtime (or the whole Hype Project) use strict-mode?

The article says this…

Fixes mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to perform optimizations: strict mode code can sometimes be made to run faster than identical code that's not strict mode.

Faster sounds nice. :smile:

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Here's yet another idea, just thrown out there… export to single file.

This idea was sorta discussed here…

I've been thinking of a topic for the next Photics book. Since ePub is the focus, I was considering the possibility of interactivity. To start things off, I simply tried getting the current time with JavaScript. It was pretty easy.

But when I tried to add the “Timing” template… Free Template Tuesday #30 – Tumult Hype “Timing” – …as a test of what's possible with ePub, I couldn't get it to work.

The problem is that Hype has a directory structure… specifically .hyperesources …but I couldn't add directories in the Calibre. I'm going to experiment with that some more, but it just seems like it would be more ideal if Hype exported to a single file… probably a single HTML file …similar to .swf when Flash was popular.

UPDATE — I was able to flatten the directory structure, so that's not a problem. Yet, I still wasn't able to get a Hype project to work in an ePub using Calibre. So, I suppose those are two separate features.

  • Single file exporting
  • Export to ePub — which was mentioned above, but I'm not sure if it's possible.

There was some discussion about exporting to ePub… Export scenes to EPUB3 …but it was centered around OAM Widget & InDesign.

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I've considered this, but it is a pretty low priority since the runtime is big enough that any possible performance benefits are unclear from the outset. There's of course other benefits, but it's the type of thing that just can become a big rabbit-hole when the project didn't start this way.

Definitely, I think my question is on appropriate guard-rails. (Like you wouldn't want a large video to be inlined!)

Hype can't export to XML natively, so any ePub export would be pretty opinionated about how it decides to wrap the Hype HTML export and provide lots of settings to setup the book. (Not saying no, just that I know any first version won't be able to handle everyone's use cases...)

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Also, I'm not sure if i'm the only one, but I'm ending up using the Hype rectangles more and more to write out big pieces of Html and css. It would be super if we would be able to to get a bigger more convenient code editor for this just like the head part, or even options to edit it with an IDE just like editing scripts.


Me too,
Im using rects to do this all the time.

One reason but not limited to, is I do not have to keep jumping back and forth between the head and the scene.
It would be great if we had a css editor pane. But with room to see what you are doing rather than the small and limited area like the attributes editor.
Wordpress has such a panel in its customise setting settings that is a strip

Honestly would be a boon, and I would not object if it opened up on the left hand side of an Hype Document as is done with WP.


While the concept of a dedicated CSS tab may seem similar to the existing Head HTML functionality, there are several feature requests that, if implemented, could offer a more versatile solution:

  1. The ability to utilize Hype in a multi-monitor setup by allowing the undocking of tabs such as scenes or Head HTML. This would greatly enhance the user experience for those working with extended desktops.

  2. The option to designate specific files for integration into the generated JavaScript. This could be within the *_hype_generated_script.js file or embedded inline, as determined by the advanced export settings or an export script. The advantage here is the flexibility to bundle any JavaScript or CSS files from resources directly. For CSS integration, currently, one would need to employ JavaScript to insert the code into Head HTML. However, this process could be streamlined if the runtime were equipped with a feature to handle it automatically. The inclusion order would probably need management (either order or priority), though.


Totally agree with. ( 1 )


I had hummed and erred about spelling that out :grinning:, as I took it as a given that with the inclusion of using a side panel as shown, it would be a given to included the css into the head inline at export time or a generated resource linked file again export time or a direct integration within the *_hype_generated_script.js at export time.
So absolutely yes, that's the idea , but I did not want to get into the possible pros and cons of fine detail of what would work best for to Tumult consider doing this and honestly I would be happy with what ever thy did (I think) as long as I got the css panel. ( and yes a add/edit css option in the resources much like the functions option)

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Certainly, you can cause significant disruptions with CSS in the current version of Hype, as the layout presently relies on the cumbersome use of inline styles and even more problematic container divs. This setup would lead to a nightmare of specificity and layout shifts since the bounding boxes aren't integrated into the HTML WebKit but are instead superimposed. As a result, calculations are based on known values rather than dynamic lookups, such as getComputedStyle. Consequently, any alterations to the layout would necessitate the use of !important, leading to a misalignment with the Hype interface. Moreover, achieving the correct stacking order would prove unfeasible. The level of frustration would be intolerable without a comprehensive overhaul. Although it's a relief that CSS can be loaded as it stands and is effectively applied within the IDE, realistically, the prospect of this advancement being incorporated into Hype seems slim in the near term. However, a significant modernization in Hype 5, potentially even with some disruptive changes, would be welcome. In my view, such an update would be beneficial, allowing older projects to remain accessible in Hype 4


There seems to be some activity going on with Matter.js. There's a "Performance" branch. Also, something about "sub-stepping" was mentioned in the Continuous Collision Detection thread.

The bouncing issue is still open, but there's been some discussion about workarounds…


Ah cool, thanks for pointing this out. It looks like there are commits that have been merged in from this branch.

I guess substepping is more viable with improved performance, but it still won't fix all passing through walls.

Well, the basic tip from the last post is substepping! Likewise, I don't think this will solve the problem, but may just help it out a bit (though I'm not actually clear why).

If I could add to this topic, here is my top features :

  • Better masking. Ability to use a layer as a mask or to draw a custom mask would be my no 1.
  • Library. Import and share, to be able to store symbols or elements (with a preview) that are used often and just drag/drop them on the scene. (I'm thinking for ad creation and brand assets here)
  • Applescript support. It's really hard to automate task right now and would be great if we could call hype to do stuff (I'm thinking replacing assets, creating symbols, bulk exporting with export scripts etc). Again, this is for automation purpose.
  • Assets swapping on stage. Being able to swap images or symbol on a timeline so it keeps the animation and everything else.
  • Performance. When duplicating the same symbol multiple times (ex: to create rain or particles effects) hype become really slow because it tries to play every instances of the symbol at the same time. It's fine when exporting, but working in the document is really difficult.
  • Plugins. I know it's a hard one, but being able to create and install plugins would be game changer. Other people could help level up Hype features.
  • Bones would be great, or anything to animate characters

I'm coming from a lot of years doing Flash, so i really miss those kind of features.


Thanks for the feedback! One small note:

For symbols, note that you can import/export them via the Symbol menu, and therefore it is possible to build up a library in the Finder.

Added “Custom Loading Screen” as discussed here… Hidden Hype Settings… - #11 by Photics

Do you use the Hype “loading indicator”

  • No — Don't Need It
  • No — Don't Like It
  • Yes — I like it
  • Yes — But it could be better
0 voters

Yes i've tried that, but here is my concerns :

1- Diffucult to manage with a bigger team. That makes a lot of files that each person must have on their computer and manage. If we update the symbols, it's hard to make sure everybody has the right files.
2- There is no preview of the symbol in the finder, which make it harder to recognise what that symbol is.

I've made a plugin in Photoshop that allows us to manage assets easily and use them in our documents. There is a preview of each file and evety team is sync with this plugin, so everybody has the lastest version everytime. You can see an exemple here. It would be great to have that in hype, either built-in or a plugin system to make that kind of thing possible from someone else.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 14.47.47



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Agree, using <iframe> in the App to link hype-files published on the web as html, is for me the only solution for now to embed quizzes made in hype, and it comes with some limitations. A straightforward and built-in Advanced Export To App would be a top feature request.

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Although, if Progressive Web App exporting was strong…
would it be necessary to export to an app? :thinking:

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Maybe a ready template at the beginning, like how they do it in Microsoft office when you create a new file.

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There are lots of Hype Templates here… Template – …but it is a good idea that Hype include some default templates. That's a big thing with Pixelmator. It's also a big thing with iWork. I recently used the dynamic backgrounds in a podcast / video — that was a bad idea for YouTube, but it looked cool. :smile:

So, Apple did their iPad event today. It's… eh… I'm not excited about it. I still don't have a good reason to buy a new iPad. However, as I was watching the event… …and I'm seeing other third-party apps being promoted.


I see Apple making such a big thing out of turning an iPad into a video recording studio with multiple iPhones as cameras — that's not something I do. That's not something I'm even close to doing. If I needed to do something like that, I highly doubt I'd do it that way.

But, what if I could draw and animate on the iPad with Tumult Hype?!

That makes sense. That would help with game development, as I could create characters right in Hype. None of this clunky tablet style kludges, straight in Hype with Hype's vector tools!

When I see these other apps being promoted, I think… WHY ISN'T HYPE DOING THAT?!


Templas are a great idea but should be simple to understand and use.
To work they should also be downloadable from the site, I remember mockups from a few years ago.
This would be a big boost to spread the software!

That makes sense. That would help with game development, as I could create characters right in Hype. None of this clunky tablet style kludges, straight in Hype with Hype's vector tools!
When I see these other apps being promoted, I think… WHY ISN'T HYPE DOING THAT?!

Regarding iPad, the current version of the software is not designed only for basic users and before offering a tool on tablets, a different sharing and learning system should be built for basic users ( basic = no code, the most complicated thing he has to learn is "customer behavior").

You don't need the same app, but an app that does cool things easily with one finger, where you can share the project on your Mac ( and expand controls) . The rest comes over time, funded by development. Hype Desktop ( the current one) + Quick/Essential Hype (edit only timeline and limited options + IOS simulator). The right way to learn for a beginner, ( about 80% of the market)

Hype Reflect could expand its functions progressively, perhaps it is a more smart path to take?

I have been following the forum for years and I promote hype as much as I can in my work. In my opinion the market can grow much faster if development focuses on the basic user and this unfortunately involves choices that are contradictory to current software philosophy. :smiling_face_with_tear:

The mobile version must be a simple tool to get a huge number of people to play.
It must seem like a toy with free templates ready to download and use immediately, in less than 3 minutes from start.

Add templates designed for short animations on social media and the app will be successful. Any feature that makes an animation look great on a phone, physics, text effects, morphing, all together, the best of hype 4 merged in macros, template, symbols...
Choose and edit the template, text, effects, timing with one finger and then export a video in 3 minutes to the ipad camera roll or directly to your social network from the app, this should be the first user experience.

In addition to this, a nice online refresh of Tumultinc's image aimed at the new generations would be needed. The Templates distribution must pass through social media, to attract new Z-gen developers and new users, and paves the way for the marketplace! the next level for Hype Pro

Without these prerequisites the cost of development for another platform is high. Otherwise, pay Hype with a multi level subscription (based on support and access to new/pro api ) or raise prices but we have to compare ourselves with competitors.
Hype (maybe) doesn't need new features but just to be easier to use and offer a built-in space to share a lot fresh templates for all uses (really easy to use, fun social media themes) .

The requests for features that I read in the list could be financed in this way, undercover, in phase B :sunglasses:

My two Cents

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