I am putting together a tutorial book on iBooks Author and have a chapter on widgets that is broken up by skill level. The chapter has example widgets and step-by-step tutorials. If you would like to contribute to that chapter with Hype examples and tutorials or to another chapter on iBA–best practices, design, public domain and OER, AppSmashing–please let me know.
i recently released an iBook for my company that took advantage of Hype widgets; it was a roaring success as a result. I would not be able to share any source code as its IP but would be happy to share my experience using Hype in iBooks. The project was published to Behance also
Thank you for responding. Would you like to write a tutorial for how to do certain features of it? More than likely, your experiences with it would include features and purpose that I had not thought of.
I’d be happy to help out on this. A lot of the guides I’ve written need updating (bugs on Apple’s end have been squashed!).
If you are open to it, it is possible to create a topic on these forums that anyone can edit (like a wiki) which could serve as a live guide. The downloadable book could also be updated occasionally as well.
That would be great. I could always embed the live guide in a book too. I just want other people to learn how to fully use the program because, well, the more examples other people create the more I and others can modify for our content to further enhance learning. The program packs a lot of power.
Hi Justin:
I’ve made this introductory topic a Wiki, so if you are level 2 user, you will be able to edit it.
Here are a couple older examples which might be useful:
https://github.com/themorgantown/iBook-widgets. This includes some tricks with localstorage, audio & video, and an embedded spreadsheet demo.
I think for purely educational examples, it would be useful to start a new thread onto which we can share an updated set of widget examples – the idea being to keep the practical & technical widget tips separate from the functional / education examples. Could I share the few widgets that you already shared with me as a starting point?