Hype Rectangle Overlap

Hype Rectangle Overlap

Simple check if two rectangles overlap

How to Use the Hype Rectangle Overlap Extension

Example Usage:

  • Using Selectors:

    // Check if two rectangles overlap using CSS selectors
    if (hypeDocument.doRectanglesOverlap('.rect1', '.rect2')) {
      console.log('Rectangles overlap!');
    } else {
      console.log('Rectangles do not overlap.');
  • Using HTMLElements:

    // Get elements by their unique IDs
    var element1 = hypeDocument.getElementById('rect1');
    var element2 = hypeDocument.getElementById('rect2');
    // Check if the elements overlap
    if (hypeDocument.doRectanglesOverlap(element1, element2)) {
      console.log('Rectangles overlap!');
    } else {
      console.log('Rectangles do not overlap.');
  • Using the new querySelector method:

    // Use hypeDocument.querySelector to find elements within the current scene
    var rect1 = hypeDocument.querySelector('.rect1');
    var rect2 = hypeDocument.querySelector('.rect2');
    // Check if the elements overlap
    if (hypeDocument.doRectanglesOverlap(rect1, rect2)) {
      console.log('Rectangles overlap!');
    } else {
      console.log('Rectangles do not overlap.');
  • Using the new querySelectorAll method:

    // Get all elements with the class 'rect' in the current scene
    var rects = hypeDocument.querySelectorAll('.rect');
    // Loop through each rectangle
    for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
      // Compare the current rectangle with every other rectangle
      for (var j = 0; j < rects.length; j++) {
        // Ensure we don't compare the rectangle with itself
        if (i !== j && hypeDocument.doRectanglesOverlap(rects[i], rects[j])) {
          console.log('Rectangles overlap between', rects[i], 'and', rects[j]);


  1. Element Visibility:

    • The extension checks for overlap based on the bounding rectangles of the elements. If the elements are hidden (e.g., display: none), they won't be considered for overlap checking.
  2. Element Transformations:

    • CSS transformations (like scale, rotate, etc.) applied to elements might affect the bounding rectangle calculation, potentially leading to inaccurate overlap detection.
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Neat, I can see this working in Dynamic ads that have growing text fields and CTA boxes. To let them talk with each other and add priority which one grows and which one shrinks.

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