What do you want to see in Hype?
A Hype-specific JavaScript library for doing some more advanced things in terms of interacting with the runtime. Things like properties to programmatically modify stage elements that aren't covered by plain JavaScript.
One example might be to set pinning, sizing and scaling like so:
mySymbolInstance.hypeProperty.pinning = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
mySymbolInstance.hypeProperty.zoomContents = false;
mySymbolInstance.hypeProperty.scaleBehavior = 'expand';
another idea was something for working with dynamic content:
hypeDocument.addSymbolToStage ('mySymbolName');
or properties that deal with document export:
hypeDocument.hypeExportOptions.exportScript = 'organizedAssets';
Have you found a workaround for this problem?
Not yet but it's not a big deal. Just an idea.
Are there examples of other apps with this feature? Or, have you seen examples of this elsewhere on the web? (Please include a URL)
I haven't seen any that come to mind.
How high of a priority is this for you?
[ X ] Nice to Have
[ ] Important
[ ] Can't use Hype without it