Issue I have with embed is that it loads, but I am getting a privacy warning once javascript runs with session starting.
Also page with textfields just about to load.
Cant see what I can do since do not see how privacy been affected by textfields.
Probably not the right place for this (more Xcode issue) but does anyone have any ideas
This is everything I am getting from the log:
2017-09-30 06:33:28.399384+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522533] Flurry: Starting session on Agent Version [Flurry_iOS_188_7.8.1]
2017-09-30 06:33:28.634933+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522533] lang is en
2017-09-30 06:33:28.837625+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522595] -[FlurryWatchConnectivity init]: WatchConnectivity isn’t linked, Flurry Analytics will be disabled for any paired watch
2017-09-30 06:33:29.754528+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522533] didFinishNavigation
2017-09-30 06:33:42.381976+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522533] [MC] System group container for path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
2017-09-30 06:33:42.387578+0100 DryYourBest[23928:5522533] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.
I assume you are using the simulator ,
When I get this type of logging I have always assumed it is more reports within the Simulator rather than errors.
WatchConnectivity isn’t linked, I have not used watch APIs but would have thought this is normal in the simulator.
I would suggest googling some of the logging as other people will be getting it and you will find a general idea of whats what when it comes to the simulator.
Thanks for your reply.
Have been using Flurry for 7 years. Was using it without cocoapods due to historic use. So reinstalled with cocoapods.
I am running it on an iPad (not simulator).
Rerun the app and still getting the same response.
Exchanged the html5 file (for simpler one without pouchdb) and it works.
So definitively conflict with original html5.
Any thoughts?
Does your new HTML5 have text entry fields?
If not I would start there and deconstruct each field to see if anything is messed up.
Pain in the you know what but it is the best way to isolate the errors.
With any luck you may hit it on the first field.
Don’t know if I’m the only one, but the scroll/bouncing of the webView once it’s on the iPad/Phone I found very annoying. So I found a way to get rid of that. Just add: webView.scrollView.bounces = false (swift 3) below the last line in ViewController.swift.