Hype embed suddenly stops appearing - no known changes made

As per title, we have a hype embed that has been in place (on Squarespace) for a couple years and not been touched/edited/altered since then. Got a report today that it no longer appears. I carefully went over the embed, files and code and dont see anything amiss.


  1. code embedded on Squarespace site
  2. exact embed code from Hype still in place as per Hype project code
  3. content hosted on a Network Solutions hosting site
  4. all content present and correct full https:// URL referenced in the embed code.

The only can think of is the JS code way deprecated, or does the script pull current code each time. The only CSS is in the inline contaner tag (should there be additional CSS)? I dont recall any.

Code embeded (from Hype-gerated html page):

<div id="hand_hype_container" style="margin:auto;position:relative;width:320px;height:275px;overflow:hidden;" aria-live="polite"><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=" https://0480bb8.netsolhost.com/hype/Hand/Hand.hyperesources/hand_hype_generated_script.js?60988"></script></div>`

Both Squarespace and Network Solutions report nothing on thier side preventing it (naturally ;^)

Any pointers appreciated!

If you try to simply go to the script URL, you'll notice the server is returning a 500 error - basically there's some issue with the server properly being able to execute the request.


Because the initial animation javascript doesn't load, nothing else will.

I would reach back out to Network Solutions and ask them why this is the case. This definitely seems to be on them, or at least some configuration issue somewhere.

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Thanks Jonathan, very mch. That was my initial thought, and why I called them, but they said they didnt think it was (and wanted to send me to advanced tech support for $60). Will continue down that path and report back.

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Update. As expected, it was liekly a host server issue. While NEtwrok Solutions said they didnt do anything, it magially started working on its own after they went in to investiagte. Thanks everyone!

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