Hype 4.0 Professional App U/I Layout Terms & Definitions

It’s been a while since using Hype (3.0) and I have just upgraded to Hype 4.0 Professional. I need a refresher on key terms & definitions for the U/I. Is there a video or online doc to show me this?
Thanks in advance,

Will this help?


Here you go:


I’d start with the “Learn” tab on the main Hype webpage. The Welcome to Hype 3 video is the most broadly applicable getting started video. There are of course many other tutorial videos available. If you are looking for more specific terms, the table of contents on the documentation is going to be the best bet and then you can dive into any specifics.

I found “The Tumult Hype Interface” through the: Hype Webpage> Learn> Documentation> The Tumult Hype Interface

Thanks Jonathan,

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