Hi there, i am deeply in love with Hype, so deep i do almost all my job using that amazing piece of sofware… and so, i like to share my Hype Template Store, a this is the first template i like to sell:
This one is a website template
I made this for a local Jaguar dealer wich at the end didnt buy the app, so i need to recover some of the time and money invested wich was quite a lot…
This one is made for use With almost any framework that use a Webview to display contents… - and also i sell some premade iOS Apps ready to deploy to use with my templates for those with no time to do their own, those iOS Native Apps are designed specially for Hype so you already know how to make it happen, no more time needed or new things to learn, a easy way to put an App in the App Store - obviously, the rest is up to you and your imagination -
Here is the store, and any feedback is appreciated…
Thanks in advance and hope you can use it for any project, i made this coupon so you can get it for a low low price: app.ios.herti45weds
Some of the Apps made with this template are those, check it please:
This last one, was made using a framework called baker, wich work amazing with Hype also, only the issues are made with Hype, the rest is a native App…