I would like to create timeline animations for an iOS application using either Objective-C or Swift. Is it possible that an HMTL5 animation can be imported into an X-Code project?
I would like to create timeline animations for an iOS application using either Objective-C or Swift. Is it possible that an HMTL5 animation can be imported into an X-Code project?
Yes it is very easy to do.
If you have already begun the your Xcode project all you would need to do is put a UIwebview onto one of your story boards.
Then make the appropriate web outlet connections from your .mfile.
I am working on a more thorough tutorial for taking a Hype document and making it into a stand-alone app.
like this one that I made.
Excellent! Thank you Nick for the quick reply!
Hope you can post it as soon as possible! Great work!!!
I am closing in on the next to last draft…
Hi Nick, where I can find your post about making a standalone ios app? Thanks
Here is the tutorial Nick made: Embed a Tumult Hype document in a Webview for publishing on the iOS App Store
I have made a lot of apps using several frameworks, like the XDK from intel, but if need to create onem very easy and with social integration i can help you out, please check this:
Hope can help you....