How can I get the DOM id in the HTML widget?

I have to use webkit-playsinline for the video tag, so I add the HTML widegt include such as"<video webkit-playsinline=true>" into the scene.

And next I use a touch event to trigger video playing, but when I use hype.Document.getElementById or doucument.getElementById to select the video id, it does not work.
So How can I find the video’s ID in the HTML widegt?


Initially :
if you are using a HTML Widget:

var theVid = hypeDocument.getElementById('theWidget').children[0];

.children[0] being the first element with in the HTML Widget

if you use a Rectangle element instead:

var theVid = hypeDocument.getElementById('innerElementId');

But a better answer if you can you post an example project of what you have setup.

Thanks for your answer, but what is ‘theWidget’ thing?

Here is the example hype file, check it please (45.8 KB)

Ok, I assign id name to the HTML widegt like “myHTML”, and use hypeDocument.getElementById('theWidget').children[0], it worked.

But it capture ‘div’ tag, not ‘video’, so I still can’t play the video… :smiley:

What video ?

your src is “” so there is no video to play :confused:

Here are two examples:

Using a HTML Widget

  • The HTML Widget gets an id of theWidget

  • we also must have a video source in the video element. We will use one added to the resources


<video width="100%" id="myVideo" preload="auto" x-webkit-airplay="true" webkit-playsinline="true">
  <source src="${resourcesFolderName}/Untitled.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
  • In the playV() function , we drill down into the widget. document->theWidget–>iframe->iframe document->video element.

     var iframe= hypeDocument.getElementById('theWidget').children[0];
     var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
     var myVid =  iframeDocument.getElementById('myVideo')

Using a Rectangle shape:

  • The Rectangle’s innerHTML is edited to get the same video element


    <video width="100%" id="myVideo" preload="auto" x-webkit-airplay="true" webkit-playsinline="true">
      <source src="${resourcesFolderName}/Untitled.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
  • In the playV()

is Simply.

var myVid= hypeDocument.getElementById('myVideo');;

Hence why using a rectangle’s innerHTML is much easier :smile: :smile: :sunny:


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I got it~ the rectangle way is cool and work well. Thanks a lot~