Help needed to understand how to add elements to each tab display area when tab buttons clicked

Hello: I am trying to learn Hype and am stuck on how to add elements to each of the separate tab timeline states when expanding the tabs example that Jeroem Carelse uploaded to the forum earlier. For example, if I want to add a rectangle to display when clicking on the first tab, then an ellipse to the second and then more text to the third tab clicked separately. What is the best approach to update the tab example? Helpful hints welcome! Thank you! PM (15.3 KB)

Hei Patrick,
if you prefer a non scripting solution and you are going to follow the timeline approach of Jeroem you could do the following:

  • Remove all visible/hidden keyframes in the various timelines
  • Make sure, alle elements are visible
  • Make a group out of the elements for each tab
  • Leave the buttons outside the groups
  • Set new visible/hidden keyframes inside the timelines, but now for the groups
  • start ShowTabWell1 timeline with a timeline action on the Main Timeline

Now you can add/remove easily elements to/from each tab, just by adding/removing them to/from the group.

Hope, this helps, Kalle (26.2 KB)


Awesome! Thank you for your help and the quick response. I will check this out to learn more.

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