Groups and active zones

Hi, I'm new in Hype.
For animating some objects together I grouped the objects.
Now there are 8 Groups with buttons in it. But only the first group on the top works. The other groups (buttons in their) doesn't work.

you mean that you've got behaviours attached and those do not work?

Yes, in the groups there is a rectangle, a text and a button. I have 8 groups of them. But only the button in the group at the top works. It seems that the other groups are not accessible with the mouse.

If the groups are overlapping each other then where any overlap occurs the top group will absorb the clicks.

You select the group and tick the ignore all pointer events (in the actions inspector)

Thanks :slight_smile:
I had already thought so. The first time I tried, somehow it didn't work.

BTW: Why does the group become as large as the document? The individual objects in it are smaller. At this size, the group covers all the objects below it.

So it’s working now?

Not 100% sure on why some time the group can expand way too far beyond the elements it contains.
I get it every now and then where I cannot see why it has gone so big.

Yes, it works.

Unfortunately, there is no pick-whip function in Hype like in After effects.

Maybe next time I can/should use symbols.

When a group is larger than its containing elements it's most likely that the elements within are scaled down. a scaled element in html will hold its orginal dimensions ...

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@h_classen That's the answer. Yes, there is a scaled (big)picture in the group.

And now I know...

@h_classen What is the better way for a menu? Duplicate the scene in Hype and resize it for a thumbnail, or create a small version in Photoshop and load it as a new image? (file size, time to load)

Possibly help if you post an example project.
Menus, especially for webpages are not all the same and therefor have a few approaches.