Getting Data from HTML Widget doesn't Work on iOS

Hello Community!

I am trying to build a breakout learning game for students in with they have to unlock a door with a alphanumeric code. I tried it out and it all works beautifully in the Preview and when uploaded on the Server. But NOT ON IPAD!! Please help me!

The code in my function is:

var iframe = hypeDocument.getElementById('CheckCodeWidget').children[0];
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
var getOutCode =  iframeDocument.getElementById('getOutCode');
var check = getOutCode.value;

if (check == "abc"){
hypeDocument.showSceneNamed('Out', hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionCrossfade, 1.1);
hypeDocument.showSceneNamed('NotOut', hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionCrossfade, 1.1);

you can test my dummy page at the link:

after testing a while i am sure that
1.) the function is reached by iPad
2.) everything works until the line
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
does anyone know how to get this problem fixed for IOS devices?

The simple answer is do not use a widget. Use a normal Rectangle Element and put your form code inside it's innerHTML.

Then just change your code to

var getOutCode =  document.getElementById('getOutCode');
var check = getOutCode.value;

if (check == "abc"){
hypeDocument.showSceneNamed('Out', hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionCrossfade, 1.1);
hypeDocument.showSceneNamed('NotOut', hypeDocument.kSceneTransitionCrossfade, 1.1);

Also I remember right iOS has a different way of dealing with iframes.


Thanks a lot! As a beginner i didn’t know that its possible to insert HTML code into other Elements than widgets.
Thanks for your quick and perfect working solution!

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