Hi everyone,
I’m having some problem with a swiping gallery that I’ve created for the mobile version of a web site.
Once I uploaded the project, when I select the gallery from the menu the images are not showing up…here is the url of the web site:
The problem looks like in your responsive layouts the images you are pointing to do not exists.
Seems you are trying to point to the optimised images ‘_x2.jpg’
Without seeing the project all I can suggest is either turn the optimisation off for the images and just use the actual ones you have placed in the project or make sure they exist…
Thanks for the answer Mark, I found out that the exported folder of the project does not contain all the images of the gallery…even if I turn off the optimisation as you suggested!!
As a workaround I copied the missing images into the folder “hyperesources” and now it works, but using the original files without optimization takes a long a time to load the page…
Is there a reason of this “missing files” after the exporting?