(Vitaliy Gorban)
November 28, 2015, 5:40pm
Like to share the site portfolio which was created only with Hype PRO and without any line of code.
Amazing program with already powerful things.
| Hype document: 3,3 mb
| Folder .hyperesources: 815 kb
| Scenes: 8
| Layouts: 9
| Total time: less then one week
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks to the developers!
While I agree that Hype is an outstanding program, I don’t really see the appeal of using it to create whole websites – and this forum is probably not an appropriate place to suggest it! However, Hype is a great adjunct to RW and I would like to draw people’s attention to the new book, A Book About Hype, which is now available on the iBookstore.
(Mark Hunte)
November 29, 2015, 9:03am
Er yes it is.
Hype has a multi skilled and diverse user base.
Many people want to and do use Hype to create full sites. Including me and I am always happy to see what others have created.
This is not the first time someone has shown off their site here and hopefully not the last.
1 Like
Nice site, well done!, maybe the navigation is not entirely clear
..with Hype you can make decent site? yes. Some things are missing but with few lines of codes you can fix the issue.
Page name in the URL for each scene, back to top ( on load the new scene), slideshow through prettyphoto and so on.
The workflow is a bit slow but the result is nice. Also with only 3 layout per scene you can get a good result.
I think this new feature ( mediaquery) has yet to be fully understood.
So, in my opinion Hype is made also for the web design.
1 Like
November 29, 2015, 11:59am
I checked the site on my iPhone, but it is not (yet?) compiled for mobile I guess? Will visit the site on my Mac too if I’m at my desk.
(Vitaliy Gorban)
December 1, 2015, 6:05pm
Yes, full mobile comes later, for this moment site work from 1024 px wide.