Full Dark Black Screen When Previewing Project in Tumult Hype

Hi everyone,

Full Dark Black screen appears every time I try to preview my project in Tumult Hype. The animation works fine in the editor, but when I preview it in a browser Safari and Chrome, the screen stays black, and nothing loads.

Iam using Tumult Hype version 4.1.7 on macOS Ventura. I have tried clearing the browser cache and re-exporting the project, but the issue persists.

Has anyone else encountered this full dark black screen problem? Are there any fixes or settings I should check? Any help would be appreciated,Thank you!

Did you load up the developer tools? Maybe there's an error in the console.

There's nothing generally speaking that would cause this; so it is a pretty wide field on what might be the issue. Perhaps you could attach a zip of your .hype project so we can take a look?

Checking out the developer console like @Photics recommends is always a good first step.

(Also while I don't think it would cause this issue, please note that the most recent version of Hype is v4.1.18 so I'd recommend upgrading to that.)

Is the background of your scene black.?

Sometimes if you have any bad syntax for custom css or js , a scene will not display and the page is blank.

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