Full Dark Black screen appears every time I try to preview my project in Tumult Hype. The animation works fine in the editor, but when I preview it in a browser Safari and Chrome, the screen stays black, and nothing loads.
Iam using Tumult Hype version 4.1.7 on macOS Ventura. I have tried clearing the browser cache and re-exporting the project, but the issue persists.
Has anyone else encountered this full dark black screen problem? Are there any fixes or settings I should check? Any help would be appreciated,Thank you!
There's nothing generally speaking that would cause this; so it is a pretty wide field on what might be the issue. Perhaps you could attach a zip of your .hype project so we can take a look?
Checking out the developer console like @Photics recommends is always a good first step.
(Also while I don't think it would cause this issue, please note that the most recent version of Hype is v4.1.18 so I'd recommend upgrading to that.)