From and To Duration at Export for Videos?

Will hype ever consider having from and to duration like start at 00:02.00 and end at 00:14.00? I'm dealing with two videos, I have frames I'm not interested in having, it would be quite useful for some who are dealing with videos.

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Thanks for the request!

Short of using another tool for editing, a workaround might be to add a timeline action to jump ahead in your main timeline, if that can be applicable.

I tried to start timeline at a specific point but for video export it doesn't seem to work?

There's many factors in how it estimates timing, and if you manually set a time it will take you "off" the automatic duration path.

But it seems to work in a simple case for me: (246.3 KB)

Feel free to send an example and I can take a look.

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Cool, I’ll check it out!

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