Format painter (paste attributes)

Would be handy to have the ability to copy attributes from one element to one or more other elements. (e.g. Similar to Word ‘Format Painter’.)

Option: Be able to select which attributes to copy.
Similar to ‘Paste Attributes’ in Final Cut Pro.
(See quick mockup below.)


This is probably the best suggestion I’ve seen so far by anyone, awesome request peter!

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I also agree that this would be a great feature to have. Wish I would have thought of it!

Thanks Markus & freddie3D :wink:

I would like to add copy/paste style at some point in the future. Being able to optionally choose which attributes to paste is a neat idea!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks Stephen,

Loving Hype by the way. Looking forward to learning how to use the new features :wink:


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I totally agree - would use this ALOT

Eyedropper tool.

The ease of implementation would depend on how this data is stored and retrieved. It would require a list of all possible attributes and a lot of booleans plus possibly the handling of defaults and so on.

Oh yes please please please