Font size and commercial license

Hi. Are the fonts listed in the Text panel free for commercial use?

Also, I imported file for a font and set scene size to 4K resolution. The font appears pixelated at 560 px size. Does that mean it will render pixelated? Do I need to search for a different font with bigger sizes available? How to find out what is the biggest size for a font without stretching and pixelation?

Fonts are free to use from this panel because you are not distributing them: you are selecting fonts already on the user's computer.

Make sure you're adjusting the size of the font using the Font size value in the Typography inspector, not the Metrics inspector's 'scale' value. If that's not the case, can you share an example?

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Thank you Daniel. Yes, I am using the Typography panel. But it looks like my font of choice can only go upto 288 px and I was making a 4K ‘scene’ with 700 px fonts. So it was getting pixelated. I have made the compromise of making the scene FHD (1080p). I want to use bigger fonts but I also want to make sure they have no ‘embedding restrictions’ so that I can use them commercially. Apple’s Font Book app lets me check that. But it doesn’t let me filter to get a list of all fonts or sort with biggest size. I checked a few randomly, but I don’t think any of them are bigger than 288.

just a very limited part of fonts is pixelbased. 99,9 % are Vectores. so there should not be a pixalated effect. exception as Daniel stated -> have you used any transformation on the Text-Element? There may be a workaround in that case to uncheck webkitacceleration in the documentpanel ...

also: adding a hypedoc showcasing an issue is always a good help for those answering here :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I tried but could not upload the .hype file. I have found a workaround, and pasted a link instead.

it's always sharp/crisp on my site ...¿
mOS 12.5, Chrome


It also looks good to me on macOS 12.5, Safari, with a Retina display.

Two small notes; they might not really apply:

While the font size table only goes up to 288, you can type in any value you want in the size text box. It does look like you found this though..? Maybe that's what you mean by you found a workaround?

It is generally better to make 1080p documents. Retina computers appropriately scale this smoothly to 4k. (There are some situations where this may not be appropriate, but it is rare).

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No, I meant workaround for sharing file here. The upload button of the forum comment editor only support uploading certain kinds of files.

I was suspicious that it got pixelated because I put a custom value 700 which is more than double of 288. But maybe it was temporary because I was editing in my 13" MacBook Air. I exported to video and streamed on a 4K TV. Now I don't see any pixelation (judging by naked eye).

I have already completed the animation, and now it will take too much effort to manually scale everything to 4K. So it's good to know that 1080p should be preferred. Can you tell me how to best get the 4K video from this 1080p project now?

I see two options:

  1. In Scene inspector I can keep 1920x1080 px but then turn on Scale to 400%
  2. In File -> Export as Movie -> Video... and set width and height to 3840x2160 px

Or should I do both? Yesterday I did both. I have attached the exported file below.

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There's not really a great way, and I wouldn't worry about it for now. More of a future thing - it is just significantly easier to work with 1080p.

This is basically what you'd need to do.

You won't need to turn on scaling, the browser and video export will do the work for you since it is in a retina mode. (Also 4k is just 2x/200% that of 1080p, but that's beside the point).

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Oh yeah, my bad. 4K is a deceiving term, and I guess so are 8K, 16K, etc. I literally laughed on myself when you pointed it out. I knew about it, but forgot to apply it in real life.

You were right, Hype handles scaling the video to crisp and clear 4K, even when I made it in 1080p.

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They are terrible terms for many reasons beyond just the change of measuring width vs height components... also 4K originally meant 4,096x2,160 and not an exact 2x of 1920x1080... "UHD" is the official term what we colloquially call 4K at 3,840x2160. Of course you could say it is "doubled" but it does in fact contain quadruple the number of actual pixels as 1080p. Let's not even get started that "HD" also has no specific clear meaning, although most times refers to 1080p. It's all a mess :sweat_smile:.

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