Fast way to count scenes?

Is there an option or indicator as to how many scenes one has? Handy if one has an amount too cumbersome to manually scroll and count.

Thanks in advance!


ok, just on preview …


Hey that was easy! Thanks @h_classen!

(A small caveat is that if two scenes have the same name then the count will be off.)

uh, then there is no built in way to count the scenes¿

Lol. Sounds like I was not the only one who was surprised by that nugget

What wait. … I just tested that and got the correct number and the array with all scene names all the same ??

Same here - (4) scenes all named “Untitled Scene” which @h_classen’s alert code displayed the total correctly.

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Whoops nevermind - I thought we would filter the list for identical names… it only become an issue using sceneNamed() APIs. hypeDocument.sceneNames().length will work for a count.

Sorry for the false alarm!

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