Extra Export Options ( Lottie, iOS, Android, React,

  1. What do you want to see in Hype?
    More Exporting options. Developers ask me to deliver animations ready to add to web, apps, ...

  2. Have you found a workaround for this problem?
    I found another html5 animation software has almost all exporting options may need an animator to deliver animations to developers. But then need to make the animations from beginning in the other software, but this don't have scenes or extended options for animations, interactivity options,... as Hype

  3. Are there examples of other apps with this feature? Or, have you seen examples of this elsewhere on the web? (Please include a URL)
    yes, Flow
    when checking the CODE export options have a large list of export options

  4. How high of a priority is this for you?
    High, I love to work with Hype and is my main software to create animations, and have better options for animate and interactivity. but I may need to consider work with Flow especially for deliver iOS, Android, Lottie animations.

[ ] Nice to Have
[X] Important
[ ] Can't use Hype without it


Thanks for the feedback!

To get a feel for your usage, do you have a top 1-2 that are the highest priority for you?

Hi Jonathan,

  1. Lottie (JSON)
  2. iOS ready to us
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Great - thanks for the additional info!


Just come across this via a Google search for Hype export to Lottie.

I use Webflow and being a long-time Hype user, would LOVE the ability to export my animation as Lottie files. Do you know if this is achievable yet please?


Not yet - but thanks for the request!

Lottie export would also be my number one request for the moment...


I would love this as well.

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