Export video stutter

Hello everyone,,

im using the export video a lot, but know im getting stuttering videos..
ive tried everything, I guess...prores/h264, 25/30/60 fps...local and on the server...but every time same result...

the originals are looking sharp

anyone knows what im doing wrong? sec 12, is the worst
I've share it with dropbox, without compres

Would it be possible to post a zip of your .hype document (or email support at tumult dot com with a link/share to it)?

I'd like to investigate further.

Hype's video export works with embedded video by using the javascript to step frame by frame. It could be some issue in the video (like how it was encoded/the codec) that isn't letting it do the step either in time or accurately.

I don't think without seeing the file if I'd be able to suggest a workaround or see if there's a fix in Hype.


Work this?


or this


Thanks - yes the .hype file was useful.

It is definitely an issue with the videos themselves and how they were encoded (more precisely I'd call it a bug in Apple's video frame-stepping, but not much can be done about that).

For example, if you open the original "Porto_sfeer_7x4_8sec-1.mp4" video in QuickTime Player and use the right arrow to advance individual frames, you'll see the same problems that are reflected in the Hype export. Ultimately Hype is basically doing this type of frame stepping to get each frame.

I'm not sure how you got the original video, but you can try different ways to encode it and if it looks good single-stepping in quicktime player then you should be a-ok in Hype. (I did a test by re-exporting in the ScreenFlow app and it worked fine, but this double-compression clearly would be a quality loss).

I'd guess if your video exporter was set to keyframe every frame then you'd probably be fine.

I hope that helps with some guidance anyhow!

thanks a lot! im gonna try tomorrow morning...in about 10 hours :wink:
greetings from holland

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Thanks it works, I've convert them to HVEC 1080P which als change the extension from .mp4 to .mov

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Great, I'm glad that did the trick!