Export to "images" folder for HTML5?


Wondering if there is a way to export HTML5 so there is an images folder instead of project.hyperesources?

Thank you in advance.

you can use an exportscript: Tumult Hype Documentation

some premade scripts exist ...: hype-export-scripts/OrganizedAssets at master · tumult/hype-export-scripts · GitHub

I am using an export script "Organized Assets" I cannot find a place to change the name of the folder that holds the images.

Goto the PreferencesExportingShow Export Scripts Folder in Finder
In there you will find the Python script… change it to your liking.

That is helpful... can you indicate where in that file is the spot to change the folder for images ? Not familiar.

this part:

elif (int(args.url_type) == HypeURLType.Resource):
			if args.replace_url.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.svg', '.psd', '.pdf')):
				url_info['url'] = "images/" + args.replace_url
			elif args.replace_url.lower().endswith(('.mp3', '.m4a', '.oga', '.mp2', '.wav', '.aiff', '.aif', '.wma', '.aac', '.flac')):
				url_info['url'] = "media/" + args.replace_url
			elif args.replace_url.lower().endswith(('.mp4', '.m4v', '.ogg', '.ogv', '.mov', '.avi', '.flv', '.wmv', '.webm', '.mkv', '.qt', '.m4p', '.mpeg')):
				url_info['url'] = "media/" + args.replace_url
			elif args.replace_url.lower().endswith(('.js', '.jsx', '.coffee', '.map', '.ts', '.htc')):
				url_info['url'] = "js/" + args.replace_url
			#everything else
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Again... Thank you... but not being familiar with this code I am unsure what to change where...so the assets go to a folder call images/

the defaults in the samplescript above are images, media and js as folderstructur