In the same situation as Ivan right now. Looking to put my Hype files on TalentLMS using SCORM and not sure how to do it. I tried to use Grunt to generate a Manifest file, with no luck so far, and also am not sure how to use the Tin Can API.
Are there any recent updates about this? Or instructions/support for new users?
Since TalenLMS allows embedding iframes and web content, this process does not require a scorm-compliant package. You would just need to get your Hype document on a website and use its URL. Here’s how to do that:
The below example uses the URL of an item from our gallery (in this screenshot I didn’t set a width and height, but I recommend doing that. This defines how far away the ‘mark as complete’ button at the bottom is from the content.)
It would be great if you could report a quiz result from Hype to a LMS grade book this would open up a whole new avenue within eLearning for hype developers.
I am stuck on this myself at the moment, any other tips @Daniel on how to package a hype project using SCORM? many thanks
If quickly flew over the API and didn’t see a setter for answers. It seams to target a higher level concerning student management but I might have overlooked something!
If you want to reach out of an iFrame you will run into sandbox restrictions and the host site will have to be modified to allow receiving and relaying the triggered actions.
Just my quick 5 cent. This is a 5 minut review and never used SCORM… maybe that offers the Connection as it seams to be designed for portability of content.