Embed in html tag doesn't export

This is a problem mentioned by others, but the solutions I found that were given didn't work for me, so I wondered if anyone could help?

I put the following embed code (from an online survey tool) in a HTML widget in Hype:

<div data-tf-live="01J2Q517YFSDF8J80HAGKP0DHK"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>

The related activity shows and works fine in Preview mode in Hype, but when I export and then run the page in a browser, the embed does not appear. Is there something I need to add to the embed code to make it work?

Thank you.

When pasting embed codes into your posts, ensure they are placed within a code block. I have edited your post to make the embed code visible.

Here's my feedback: Previewing in Hype opens a local web server, indicated by the URL, confirming the server is running from a local IP address. When you export a file, it is saved to the file system. Opening the file by double-clicking it operates in a different security context, limiting browser privileges to call resources due to security risks and sandboxing. To display the form, upload the exported file to your web server or run a local web server for testing. As mentioned, Tumult Hype runs a local server for previewing, thats why it worked in that context.

Hope that helps.

To piggyback on @MaxZieb's comment, can you say how you're running it in a browser and which browser?

I imagine if you're posting on a web server it would work, but if opening as a file like double-clicking from the finder, it would not.

It did help, thank you, and now it works. Thank you so much for explaining and sorting this problem out for me.

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Yes, you're right. I was double clicking the html file, rather than uploading to the server first.

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