Hype’s basic shapes are great for doing simple and not so simple illustrations if you want to give it a try.
Here is a hype file that you can dissect to see how you can make a very simple cartoon face. http://gressle.com/drawface.html
Next challenge create “Phonemes” the mouth movements that simulate spoken words.
Is it possible with Hype elements?
In this instance .pngs might be the best approach.
I think it would be a great step in animation with Hype.
Paste the group into a new hype document. Save and zip as usual.
Others can copy and paste the group into their own projects and retain control over each individual element in the group.
Second way,
This is aimed at sharing from on person to another without having to create a whole new hype doc But you lose control over each individual element in the group.
Open up a new plain text document in TextEdit. And paste the group into it.
Now delete the first div. This is important so you are able to align the element properly later.
Drag the rectangle around the illustration to centre it. ( If the first div was not removed then this will always out of alignment. if some one has forgot to do this you can remove it yourself).
Then use the Element inspector to set the rectangles colour and borders to none .