Drag to control timeline not working well on iOS when embedded in a page

Hi there.

I have a hype file embedded on a page. There is a vertical drag element controlling the timeline. This works fine in desktop browsers and on Android devices. However, it seems recently it is not working on iOS when embedded. When you try and drag the element the page scrolls too, as if the two elements (the page and the drag element in the hype div) are conflicting. Any thoughts? This seems to be a recent thing in recent iOS update to safari. As it used to work fine.

Here is the page: http://www.fremantlemedia.com/about-us/our-history/

add this code in the html and try again

<script type="text/javascript">
document.ontouchmove = function(e){ e.preventDefault()}; 

Thanks. Actually that stopped the pages scrolling at all. I’ve now re-exported the hype file using the latest HYPE version and the problem has been fixed. Thanks away :slight_smile:

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This is an iOS 10 bug that we’ve notified Apple about. As you noticed, Hype v3.5.5 has a workaround, so if you encounter this, please export with that version or later!